在线学电脑( 4.32 官方下载:20多处更新优化
IrfanView 是一款运行速度快、小巧(单一exe文件500K)、功能强大的免费(限非商业用途)图像查看程序。支持Windows 9x/ME/NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/Windows7。
IrfanView小巧给力从来不比AcdSee差,支持的格式很多,图像音频视频都能吃,也支持幻灯播放、批量转换格式、批量重命名、JPG 无损旋转,支持拖放操作;亦具有调整图像大小、调整颜色深度、添加覆盖文字、特效(内置)处理等图像编辑功能,3.85 和之后的版本已能支持使用 Adobe Photoshop 的滤镜(8BF 格式);还可以制作 HTML 格式的缩略图目录、创建自播放幻灯显示(EXE 或 SCR),是图像爱好者必备的袖珍精品。
Version 4.32 更新内容:
1.Improved Resampling (Speed; Lanczos artefacts: thanks to Marcel Lancelle)
2.New feature: Add watermark image (Edit menu and Advanced batch dialog)
3.Improved zooming: CTRL + wheel (keep mouse coordinates) and centered zoom
4.Support for WebP format (Weppy format, PlugIn, reading + saving)
5.Support for PDN format (Paint.NET format, PlugIn, thanks to ComSquare AG)
6.Support for XCF format (GIMP format, PlugIn, thanks to ComSquare AG)
7.Face Detection Plugin (Thumbnails window, thanks to MulticoreWare guys)
8.New JPG save option: Try to save with original (estimated) JPG quality
9.Improved/changed sort menus (XP/natural order)
10.New batch rename option: Run test rename
11.New Thumbnails menu: Refresh selected thumbs
12.Batch dialog, Output directory: Placeholders are now allowed
13.New expert zoom option: Edit table with fixed zoom values (Properties->Zoom)
14.New fullscreen options: Center image, Text layer (Properties->Fullscreen)
15.New option in "Create multipage TIF/PDF" dialog: Load filenames from TXT file
16.New options in JPG IPTC/Comment dialogs: Allow Unicode PlugIn to change text
17.New command line option: /cmdexit (close current IrfanView after command line)
18.TIF bug with SGILog compressed images fixed (reported by Secunia, thanks!)
19.New special INI option to hide common folders in Open/Save dialog (see FAQs)
20.New hotkey: CTRL + SHIFT + K = Keep Scroll position
支持运行环境:Windows XP/Vista/Windows7
IrfanView 4.32 便携版 下载:
(73KB)(解压以后放进IrfanView安装目录下的Languages,然后运行IrfanView后,点击【Options】菜单,第二个【Change Language】即可)